Showing Tag: "plastic bags" (Show all posts)

Plastic to use or not to use?

Posted by marionlara on Monday, June 4, 2012, In : business 

Talking about bags is a huge discussion because every time you begin you end up with something really new and useful. Plastic is being used for manufacturing bags since ages but yes new and new innovations are always been made with the passing years. Once there was a time when it was called the era of plastic. But much usage of plastic is also not good for environment as it does not degrade easily in the nature. As a result it has caused death of many animals in the past years. So the govern...

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“Plastic”, now for the beneficial use

Posted by marionlara on Monday, May 14, 2012, In : business 

The world comprises of many small things which make the life of every human being. You start your day by brushing your teeth, in which even the toothpaste is made up of any polymeric material. You cannot say that you are surviving on single things.  The basic necessity of the youngster “the cell phones” are also now made up of one or the other materials. Totte bags have their infinite uses in today’s world. Amongst women they are the most favorite’s ones. A branded bag is considered ...

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Plastic bags and food bags are healthy units of packing

Posted by marionlara on Wednesday, May 2, 2012, In : business 

Whether you already own an eating place or you're looking at getting into the eating place business, you're probably already well conscious of how useful food-grade nasty bins are in any restaurant's professional cooking area. However, you also need to think about the money of opportunities these bins provide once you step away from the cooking area and our into the restaurant's real cuisine and look through places. If you've ever been inside an advantage shop or were in line at a food mark...

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Biodegradable Paper bags and Plastic bags

Posted by marionlara on Thursday, April 26, 2012, In : business 

Whole world comprises of plastic. Every small thing you ought to buy is either made up of plastic or any other plastic type material. The demand for plastic has increased due to its certain qualities which are possessed by the material. Long durability plastic has always gained attention of the generation now a day. Moreover the different species of plastic are water resistant and sun resistant. Now they are less affected by the atmospheric conditions because of plastic can be recycled or re...

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Posted by marionlara on Friday, December 30, 2011, In : business 


Plastic bags are the most important commercially as well as socially used product.  It is used in every field and by every common man.  However, the plastic products as we all know are not environmental friendly.  They do not degrade into the soil and pollutes it.  It is very harmful for the human life and these days pollution due the plastic is on the hype. 


Apart from its harmful effects, it is widely used.  It is because of its great properties which cannot be avoided.  It is water r...

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Plastic: Threat to the world though has many advantages

Posted by marionlara on Tuesday, December 27, 2011, In : business 


“Plastic” the word is exist in each and every house. The day begins with the use of plastic, the toothbrush, toothpaste carrier everything. But with the on growing concern about pollution caused due to plastic the usage of it is being banned. There are numerous industries producing plastic in large amount. Have you ever wondered where the people working there would earn their livelihood if such industries are banned? But the merchandiser is smart enough they have found out an alternative...

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